Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day Thirteen & Fourteen - Working Watching Waiting

Last night I was away from internet access so tonight I am blogging for two days.

A lot is going on in the earthly realm and especially behind the curtain in the spiritual realm. It is happening, whether we realize it or not. However, today I just seem more aware of how thin the "skin" of this world is.
There is a place in between 
worlds, between realms 
of "real" world, where I touch
dirt and I am dust,
and the world
beyond where I touch what is unseen,
yet it's more real...
this's where I live
and breathe and though I
do not fully understand or fathom
the thinness of the skin 
between these worlds, these
realms, He does...for God exists
and dwells in both realms...
He lives within hearts of those
who've cried out from the depths
of their heart, because they
heard His voice, calling...
from realms beyond this earth,
whispering, wooing, wanting
His creation to awaken
fully to reasons for being 
reasons for seeing 
His plan unfolding in earth 
and in His people, so human
yet divine, because we are 
clay formed in His image
dust transformed into God-likeness
by Spirit's power, potential possibilities
reached through God's dream
before time awakened...
God lives beyond and above time, beyond
what we can imagine, or conceive 
or dream... He is...
yet, miraculously He chooses
to rub shoulders with flesh
and bone like us and walk barefoot
next to us on beaches and 
sidewalks beside skyscrapers tall
as we fall, skinning our knees
like children, hurt and sheep that stray
far from the shepherd, yet loved enough
to have legs broken and carried upon
His shoulders, until we heal, wounded
hearts joined to His because we know
His stripes He bore, on the cruel cross
brought freedom from sin, freedom from
this world, this realm we sometimes feel
bound to, yet truly aren't, 
for if we comprehend
the thinness of the skin
between this world of dust
and the world beyond
we must long for the realness
of His touch, resting in trust
that His dream from before time's beginning 
before He set the world to spinning
is good and well thought out
in the mind and heart of a loving God 
to draw us to Him and within Him 
we'll live, breathing His life in
and releasing it back out into the world
to those who hunger and thirst
and will dive headfirst 
into Him...



Friday night my singles group went together to view the movie, Courageous. I must say the movie has a very powerful message to those who will listen and respond. I pray it will affect many and the response will be massive! 


God spoke three words to me earlier today as I sat, quieted, sipping coffee... 


He is working on my behalf.
He is watching to see how I will respond to Him. He is watching over me.
He is waiting on me to respond to Him during these challenging days. 
Flip side of that is...

I am to work out my salvation with fear and trembling.
I am to watch Him and focus totally on HIM.
I am to wait on Him and for Him.

My homework is to do a word study on these words in His Word.


holy experience

 My creative, often disorganized mind lost track of the list of A Thousand Gifts I am thankful for... what can I say?!.............

I'm thankful for: 
October's gift of chilly breezes
crunch of leaves underfoot 
blanket, soft as a lamb's ear, to warm me
today's peace is more abundant than yesterday's
a stronger knowing that God is at work on my behalf
friends who cause laughter to bubble up
son, who's willing to give of his resources to help me
another son and his wife's hospitality brought a smile
not feeling as lonesome today

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