Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Divine Balance

Our lives are NOT to be
centered around the jobs we have...
...the careers we often allow to have first priority
in our days.
Yet, I am a single woman
who is the only one
to bring home the bacon
or in my case the chicken
and spinach salad sprinkled
with feta cheese...

Our lives are to be centered around our CALLINGS
the gifts,
the passions,
God draws us to
like gravity...
like a moth
to a flame...
like a man
drawn to 
a woman,
Adam drawn 
to Eve...
God within
us stirred,
for more
than this world
this earth
can offer.

We are made for a world 
beyond this world...
A heavenly place 
yet more real
than we can imagine.

Today, somehow, my world
regained balance. 
Surely it is grace, Godlike,
righting my world.
For a short while it
seemed I'd fallen into a world within
a snow globe, vigorously 
shaken by a young one,
innocently turned upside down...

Jesus brought divine
He does not desire
us to walk
but desires
us to rest, 
our hold
on this world
and tightening
our hold
on His hands.

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