Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day Ten - Being Single and the Nestea Plunge

I'm propped up, pillows soft, comfy in my bed, ready to write about day ten.
Hmmmm...what to say? Today was better than yesterday. The earth didn't move under my feet and nothing major was accomplished. (The earth not moving under my feet is actually fine with me... heard there have been an increase of earthquakes at the M5 level in the past few days...)

I cold called executive search firms to see if anyone has a need for my sourcing and research experience. I cold called brides to see if they still need to book a photographer for their wedding. ( shameless plug - )

I guess what stands out to me is that today, I worried less. A step in the right direction, right? I told a friend that I've been trying to picture myself doing the Nestea plunge and just falling back into the arms of Jesus.

  I found this photo from Google images, but didn't see anyone to give credit to.

A sense of peace about my singleness seems to be incrementally increasing every day. I celebrate this peace!

Being Single

Being single is an incredible mixture of feelings...
from being a happy free bird
one day,
to a lonely wolf, howling at the moon
the next.

Being single is sleeping under starlit sky
on a mountain top with friends,
oohing and aaahing at shooting stars.
It's the blessing of "Pizza and Prayer" on a Friday night,
experiencing God listening to us as we agree in prayer.
It's the sweetness of worshiping God
around a campfire, warming hands and hearts.

Being single is being the only one to bring home the bacon,
or not bring it home, during times of unemployement...
It's being able to sleep on the left side or the right
of my big king size bed
and not having to be woken by manly snoring,
but missing the pleasure of spooning and more...
Being single means missing being able to wake up
next to your love and share coffee and prayer
to start your day loving, hand-in-hand.

Being single is having the freedom to choose
to devote more of your time in companionship
with Jesus and pursuing passions and dreams.
It's longing to share your passions and dreams
with a like minded soul who just gets you
and who likes being with you, not without you.

Being single is giddy laughter and sometimes abundant tears
and wondering if you'll be alone all you're years.
It's growing special friendships
and sometimes wanting more.
It's going on dates that are distasters
and dates that feel like a dream
you never want to end.

Being single is bravely killing your own spiders
and not allowing fear to creep in at night,
when noises wake you from sound sleep.
It's keeping your chin up, when you'd rather have
your mate look you in the eye, lift your chin up
and kiss you and make your world spin...

It's having boundaries in dating relationships,
even when your flesh cries out for more!
It's learning to walk away,
and wait for God to write your love story...

© Copyright 2011 Marie Nease

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